Our role, as a digital marketing agency, is for you to succeed on the digital stage.

Miami Advertising

Get more customers to contact you by phone, visit your site or even shop online at your store. Online ads on Google ads can help you get those long-awaited customers.

What does sem mean?

SEM is an acronym for: Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Translated into Spanish: Search engine marketing.
Search engine marketing is a form of online (Internet) marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.

Sem includes google ads: google ads miami advertising

We, as a digital marketing agency, put together the necessary sequences to present optimal candidates, ready to buy the product or service you offer.

To schedule advertising, we must follow these steps:
  • Conceive the Ad: It is the creation of the campaign. Analyze what we are going to announce. Every campaign selects what is promoted.
  1. The Company itself. Example: An Insurance company wants its name to be recognized. In health insurance we have BlueCross BlueShield – In the toy area: Matel.
  2. Maybe the company is already recognized and just wants to promote one of its specific products or services. In the case of Insurance, it could be BlueCross BlueShield wants to promote one of its Policies, such as Miami-Dade Blue.
  1. Maybe you want to advertise a specific product of your company.
  • Ad Design: Select if it is an ad for Google, Facebook, Amazon.
  • Establish a budget for each platform where you want to advertise.
  • Correctly segmenting your audience will ensure that the information about your product or company reaches the right people.
  • Creation of the Landing Page Landing Page


What is a Prospect?

It is that person who has the idea of ​​buying the service or product that you are promoting.


How to get it?

Esta relacionado con alguien que esta interesado en hacer un negocio en la rama en la que usted se ocupa.


Professional services

Google Ads will help you grow your business. With ads, many visitors will enter the capture pages.

What is the difference between pa and funnel?

A landing page (landing page) is the first place where interested parties land, after clicking on an ad.
The funnel is a series of steps that are encouraged to be visited by the prospect through emails.
In these, valuable information is given and the Prospect is encouraged to make a decision and buy the service.
The set of PA Landing Pages is known as Funnel.

The goal of the Funnel is to convert these people who registered into Customers.

What is the difference between website and pa?

We already know the function of a PA. The website is used to explain in more detail about the service the company offers. The website is not designed to capture data.

Google ads miami - ad and advertising.

When paying for advertising, you should use a PA to increase your chances of obtaining the visitor's registration and converting them into a potential client.

Conversion possibilities with google ads

An ad visitor, who goes to a web page has a 1 to 2% chance of conversion. But whoever visits a PA increases their chances from 15 to 30%. Just by having a PA, your potential clients improve 10 times.

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Do you want your Google Ads to yield what you invest in them?

Let us be your google ppc marketing campaign manager, don't waste time